Thursday, January 18, 2007

This puppy that Olivia is holding is named Shelby. She now has a new home. A nice family from the Clarion area came up last night and took her home with them. Olivia was a little upset but she got over it today, she picked out a new favorite, so everything is right in her world again.
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Monday, January 15, 2007

Here is Miss Olivia showing off her new earrings that she got done on Saturday at the DuBois Mall. Suprisingly enough she didn't scream and hardly cried at all. She was very brave and even got a lollipop for her and for Will.
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Monday, January 8, 2007

Olivia and Will got new bikes for Christmas. They can't wait for nice weather so they can ride them down at the school playground, but for now they use pappy's garage, just as long as pappy moves his new truck and mammy's car. They have a tendency to wreck into things, hence the helmets, elbow pads, and knee pads.
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Here is all the pictures that I took on Saturday night. Everybody had a real nice time. It is so nice to have a place to get together with neighbors and friends.
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Saturday, January 6, 2007

We were at the school tonight for some home made ice cream and to play some games. Well here is Denny and Lynnwood playing Mad Gab. I thought it was pretty funny watching them trying to figure out what the phrase is.
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Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Here is a collage of Will and his train set he got for Christmas. It is one of his favorite things to play with.
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Here is a picture of my mom with her brother and sisters. She is in the front row with the Steeler's shirt on. She is the youngest of them with 14 years between her and my uncle with the white shirt with the stripes in the front row.
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Do you think these two are ready to work yet???
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