Hope everybody had a good holiday weekend. We did and didn't, on Sunday our dogs took off and didn't come back until Monday afternoon. But having a picnic picked up our spirits, first we ate lunch which was delicious, food was brought by those in attendence. After lunch the guys went for a 4 wheeler ride for a couple of hours, and to keep the kids happy Jack took them for a ride in the ranger. Even the newest member of the Dorman family "Peanut" was there along with her parents Gil and Julie. When the ride was over they were hungry again so while Denny cooked the rest of us played volley ball until supper was ready. All in all it turned out to be a pretty good weekend, can't wait for the next picnic.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Can anyone guess who this is???? There is 4 people to name.
Here are some brave kids who laid down on the bed of nails. I couldn't convince Denny to lay on it, but Will, Olivia, and Kaylee did, they said that it didn't hurt.
Here is Wes and Judy, trying to figure out who is the brightest bulb of the two of them???
On Saturday we went to the Carnegie Science Center and out front was NASCAR driver Jeff Gordon's race car or at least one of them.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Here is a picture of Mr and Mrs Dorman, the fearless leaders of "Clean Up Day", stopping long enough to pose for a picture, then right back to work.
Today is clean up day at the church and as you can see everybody was hard at work. If you can't tell who is in the bucket of the back-hoe it it Gary Bills, he was painting the flag poles. No he didn't fall out. Even the ladies got into working, they cleaned up the leaves and other things that got blown into the fence. When I left everything looked nice, to all those involed you did a wonderful job.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Olivia had her second game tonight, let me tell ya, Monday night game didn't have nearly as much confusion as tonights game. The other team had kids sitting on the ground, throwing their gloves is the air, and throwing temper tantrums during the game. All in all they still played really well even with all the confusion being created by the other team. It was still fun to watch and they still had fun playing, I just hope that it stays that way.
Tonight after her game and supper Olivia wanted to invite Mikayla and Shianne up to play, poor Will he usually ends up being the only boy. Later on Lynnwood and Cari came up to get them and Peston and Travis came to play a little bit but it was too dark to get any good pictures. They had fun jumping on the trampolene and playing fetch with the dogs.
Here are some more photos of all who attended the banquet.
Last night was the church's Mother Daughter Banquet. Carole told us a story, Unus had a list of things someone wrote who hasn't had to go through motherhood yet and Mrs. Dorman had the other side of the list written by someone who has gone through it all. It was all very nice, we played a few games, one was a folding napkin relay, finish the common phrase, and name the cake from a desrciption that was given. All in all I would have to say that it would be hard to have such good food and fellowship with our friends and neighbors if it weren't for the great mothers we have, I know it would be for me. So to all the mothers out there Happy Mother's Day.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Olivia had her first game tonight. It only lasted 2 innings, but she had fun all the same. Her team did really well they only had 9 players while the other team had 15 and they are all on the field at the same time. They all get to bat even though they get the 3 outs. This way everybody gets to hit. Olivia's team made it through with out getting any out the first inning. Their coach (Rob Smith) said had they played a whole game they would have won without a problem. Willie is disappointed that he doesn't get to play, but with all the grandparents there I don't think he minded too much.