I forgot that I took this picture. This was on the side of one of the big garage doors.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The new secret picnic spot.
One day last week the kids and I were going on a golf-cart ride looking for some berries (didn't find very many just a handful) ,this is what we found. I'm not even sure how we even saw it being that it was so small and blends in with its surroundings real well. If you look closely at the first picture you'll see it.
Today we had a visitor Ballerina Maria. She came to spend the day while Devon, Charlene, Den, Penny, and Denny went golfing.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Here is Olivia and her team after winning the championship game a couple of weeks ago. It was a close game, they were playing the one team they couldn't beat all season, but they did it. You can just see Olivia's face in the middle of all the arms up touching the trophy.