Monday, November 30, 2009

Well here is this years buck an 8 point with a 16.5 inch spread. I got it from Den's spaceship (he had to work) and Denny pointed it out for me because I was watching out the other window and he let me shoot at it first. I made a good shot, but still had to track it down over the hill towards Claire Dashers house, it almost made it to the road. Hopefully Denny will get one the next day he gets to go out I think its Saturday.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Way to go, Becky!!!!! I know I saw this guy cross infront of me Saturday night when Dave told me to come pick him up at the garage. He came from the apple tree below Ken's house and up over the bank while I watched. It was almost midnight. I don't hunt, but it excited me knowing someone was going to get a nice one.